Itching, Biting, Chewing, Scratching - Part 1
Is the licking, biting, scratching, and chewing driving you crazy? Why does it always hit in the middle of the night?
Your beloved companion has not hatched a secret plan to sleep deprive you. They are telling you that "something is wrong".
Aside from the most common reasons of dry skin in dogs (fleas, mites, and mange - which can also cause an allergic reaction in your dog from the saliva left by the parasite), do you know the some of the other causes?
Did you know that how often you bathe your dog and the shampoo you use plays a big role in the health of their skin? If you don't bathe your dog regularly, it allows dead skin and hair to buildup causing flaky skin. The frequency of bathing really depends on the dog. On average, a dog with normal skin should be bathed about once a month. If you blow dry your dog, don't set the blow dryer on "high heat" as it can also be drying.
The most important part of bath time is using a shampoo that is healthy for your dog's skin and coat. With so many products on the market, it is important to look at the ingredients. Dog shampoos with synthetic ingredients, fragrances, colors, EDTA, PEG, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, and many other chemical names can dry their skin, compounding the problem you are trying to fix. Human shampoos, used on dogs, can have the same effect.
Read ingredient labels & choose wisely!
Why Use 4-Legger Certified Organic Dog Shampoo?
Using 4-Legger you can sleep soundly knowing your dog's natural oils won't be stripped from their coat, our ingredients are not contaminated, and our products contain nothing artificial or synthetic. We truly are a safer dog shampoo for your dog - proven to help with your dog's dry and itchy skin!
And now... for all of you with itchy dogs out there....